‘Occupy Wall Street’ Infiltrated By Agent Provocateur ‘V’; Short-Circuits the ‘People’s Mic’

New York, New York –

Prohibited by police from using an electronic public address system, ‘Occupy Wall Street’ has devised a clever way to spread the word among the protestors. It is called: the “People’s Microphone”, or the “People’s Mic” for short.

“We repeat aloud what the speaker is saying to the general assembly,” explained a protestor.

And it was during a general assembly held daily, using the “People’s Mic” that the group was awakened to the realization that an agent provocateur was amongst them.

“We were in the middle of reading the previous day’s minutes when we caught ourselves voting to disband,” said a member of the general assembly, who found he was standing next to the agent provocateur, but did not know it. “He waited for the speaker to pause before speaking out.”

“He looked legitimate to me,” said another member of the general assembly, describing the physical appearance of the agent provocateur. “He was wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, black boots, gloves, cape and hat. Just like ‘V’ in that movie, V for Vendetta.”

Slowly, agent provocateur V rose up amongst the crowd, ready to spread his chaos.

“All those that are in favor of calling it quits, please signal now by waving your fingers in the air,” said the agent provocateur V, which was immediately echoed by the People’s Mic. Believing it was the general assembly’s speaker speaking.

The People’s Mic Repeated in Chorus:

“All those that are in favor of calling it quits, please signal now by waving your fingers in the air.”

Members of the general assembly just looked at each other bewildered by the announcement.

“What, wait?” said the general assembly speaker. “I didn’t say that.”

The People’s Mic Repeated in Chorus:

“What, wait? I didn’t say that.”

As everybody looked around trying to see who misspoke, the agent provocateur V ducked down temporally disappearing in the crowd.

“Apparently somebody misspoke,” said the general assembly speaker. “So please disregard that call for a vote to disband, okay?”

The People’s Mic Repeated in Chorus:

“Apparently somebody misspoke. So please disregard that call for a vote to disband, okay?”

Once again, the general assembly attempted to read aloud the minutes from the pervious day when the agent provocateur V struck again.

“Say,” said agent provocateur V. “Why don’t we all pull our pants down and take a dump on a cop car?”

The People’s Mic Repeated in Chorus:

“Say, why don’t we all pull our pants down and take a dump on a cop car?”

“Hey,” said the general assembly speaker. “Stop that.”

The People’s Mic Repeated in Chorus:

“Hey, stop that.”

Again, agent provocateur V disappeared into the crowd.

As the general assembly was readying to resume business again, suddenly, someone in the crowd spotted the black cloaked agent provocateur V far off in the distance.

“Look!” said a protestor, calling everyone’s attention to the direction his finger was pointing. “He’s over there. Atop that cop car taking a dump!”

The People’s Mic Repeated in Chorus:

“Look! He’s over there. Atop that cop car taking a dump!”

Copyright © 2008-2011 by Robert W. Armijo. All rights reserved.

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