A father threw his 7-year-old son overboard a harbor tour boat called “The Raging Queen,” claiming that he was trying to teach junior survival skills -- And not trying to endanger his son’s life or compromise his son’s safety.
“I can give him a fish, feeding him for a day,” explained the father who was out on bail after being arrested for child endangerment and resisting arrest. “Or I can teach him how to fish, feeding him for a lifetime.”
According to eyewitnesses, however, the father appeared to be drunk at the time and verbally abusive to his son, threatening the boy that he would toss him overboard, if he continued to cry.
“He was crying,” admitted the father. “But that was only because he spotted a great white [shark] in the water.”
So dad calmed down his boy by offering to toss him from the other side of the boat.
“Apparently, it worked,” said police.
As the child stopped crying long enough to assist his father, who was busy attaching bloody raw chunks of fish to an array of hooks fastened to the boy’s belt.
Although, all agree on one thing: that the father jumped in after his boy. Once again, the testimony between the father and eyewitnesses conflicts.
“I jumped in after him not because he was in danger,” the father insisted. “I jumped in after him because he forgot to tie the fishing line to his belt.”
Fortunately, the boy was rescued from the water by an industrial fishing vessel, which scooped him up in its nets.
“But later, nearly processed him to death at the cannery,” said police.
Copyright © 2008-2011 by Robert W. Armijo. All rights reserved.
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