As Sgt. James M. Crowley of the Cambridge Police Department and Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. were let into the Rose Garden of the White House, they were taken aback at the image of their Commander in Chief and leader of the free world donning a white Chef’s hat, houndstooth apron which read: “Flip Me Over, I’m All Done on This Side” and pouring over a hot grill.
“Take a seat gentlemen,” said President Barack Obama, directing the men to a park like bench. “Your hamburgers and hot dogs will be ready shortly. You’ll find the beer in the cooler.”
As the men sat down to dine, no one mentioned the incident that brought them all together. In fact, they all just sat quietly eating among themselves in absolute silence with President Obama at the head of the table. Not even attempts at small talk had been made, not even much sound came from the men, except for chewing, dry coughs and occasional burp from the beer. Finally the vocal silence was broken.
“Hey, is there any A-1 steak sauce?” asked Sgt. Crowley.
“Isn’t there any on the table?” replied a surprised Obama. “I thought I put it out here. Wait a minute I’ll just run in and get some.”
With that the President excused himself and ran in the direction of the White House. After a few minutes, he returned empty handed.
“Say, guys,” said President Obama, breathing heavily with his arms on hips, shaking his head. “You’re never going to believe this. I just locked myself out of the White House. Could anyone of you help me get the door open?”
“Sure!” said Henry Louis Gates Jr. as he rose to his feet to help the President.
Sgt. Crowley remained seated. Then after a few moments, once President Obama and Henry Louis Gates Jr. were out of sight, he reached underneath the picnic table pulling out a walkie-talkie.
“Officer Crowley to dispatch,” said Sgt. Crowley as he crouched under the picnic table. “I got a possible burglary in progress at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Send backup… Oh, ah, you better send everything we got…I mean everything.”
Copyright © 2008-9 by Robert W. Armijo